
THINKPROGRESS’ JournoFa Casey Michel Trying To Defund Immigration Patriots

Peter Brimelow


Got this email yesterday:

From: Casey Michel
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2018 3:28 PM
To: Peter Brimelow
Subject: Story on White Nationalist Charities


My name is Casey Michel, and I’m a reporter with ThinkProgress. I’m currently working on a story regarding white nationalist organizations raising funds via charities, as the AP previously reported.

I was hoping to ask:

  1. Is the VDare Foundation still a federally recognized tax-exempt organization?
  2. Does VDare consider itself a white nationalist organization?
  3. The most recent VDare 990 Form publicly available appears to be from 2016 — is there a 990 Form from 2017 available?




Casey Michel | @cjcmichel

I replied:

As we are not a white nationalist organization, your questions are irrelevant. Read the site /articles/is-vdare-com-white-nationalist

The link is to "Is White Nationalist?" in our Frequently Asked Questions section. In the past, other JournoFa have point-n-spluttered about this section:

We also publish on a few writers, for example Jared Taylor, whom I would regard as "white nationalist," in the sense that they aim to defend the interests of American whites. They are not white supremacists. They do not advocate violence. They are rational and civil. They brush their teeth. But they unashamedly work for their people — exactly as La Raza works for Latinos and the Anti-Defamation League works for Jews.

Get used to it. As immigration policy drives whites into a minority, this type of interest-group "white nationalism"will inexorably increase.

Jared no longer calls himself a "white nationalist" because he thinks the term has been hopelessly smeared. But I think that concept that whites have rights, and that they can legitimately defend them, is important. So I’m not going to alter this language.

(Of course, we are still a 501c)(3). And our filings are up to date. Donate tax-deductibly now! — while you still can).


What’s going on here is the next step in the Totalitarian Left’s campaign to deplatform, defund and ultimately suppress American patriots. Thus last year two law professors, David J. Herzig and Samuel D. Brunson, proposed that we be deprived of our tax-exempt status in a New York Times Op Ed; needless to say, the NYT would not run our full reply, but we did force it to run a Letter To The Editor. Now JournoFa enforcers are joining in.

I have no doubt that if Hillary Clinton had won in 2016, the IRS would have been fully weaponized against political opponents and would probably be under FBI investigation.

Night is falling quickly in America.

If you want to discuss this with JournoFa Casey Michel via email or twitter, be (fairly) polite.

Significantly, ThinkProgress itself is a project of a 501(c)(3), the ludicrously-misnamed Center For American Progress.

Why is tax-exempt money being used to support Stalinists?

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