Originally published here on VDARE.com on this day in 2013.
There’s a magnificent Ann Coulter column on Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome, and it mentions legal immigration as a problem, too. (Skeptics take note.) The column is called The Problem Isn’t Just Illegal Immigration, It’s Legal Immigration, Too, April 24, 2013.
There’s a list of immigrant mass murders, the same ones we've been reporting on for years, and you can find details on most of them by searching our site: See my article VDARE.com’s Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome Count — As Of July 28, 2011: 37 Cases, 337 Dead, and the updated chart here.
It starts
In addition to the four dead and more than 100 badly wounded victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, let’s consider a few of the many other people who would be alive, but for Kennedy’s immigration law:
- The six Long Island railroad passengers murdered in 1993 by Jamaican immigrant Colin Ferguson. Before the shooting, Ferguson was unemployed, harassing women on subways, repeatedly bringing lawsuits against police and former employers, applying for workman’s compensation for fake injuries and blaming all his problems on white people. Whom he then decided to murder.
And goes on from there.
Some of you may be thinking "I know all that." Yes, but mainstream conservatives don’t. And Ann Coulter does. Her column concludes:
During the three years from 2010 through 2012, immigrants have committed about a dozen mass murders in this country, not including the 9/11 attack.The mass murderers were from Afghanistan, South Korea, Vietnam, Haiti, South Africa, Ethiopia and Mexico. None were from Canada or Western Europe.
I don’t want to hear about the black crime rate or the Columbine killers. We're talking about immigrants here! There should be ZERO immigrants committing crimes. There should be ZERO immigrants accepting government assistance. There should be ZERO immigrants demanding that we speak their language.
We have no choice about native-born losers. We ought to be able to do something about the people we chose to bring here.
Meanwhile, our government officials just keep singing the praises of "diversity," while expressly excluding skilled immigrants who might be less inclined to become "disaffected" and lash out by killing Americans.
In response to the shooting at Fort Hood, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey Jr. said: "As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse."
On "Fox News Sunday" this week, former CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden said of the Boston bombing suspects, "We welcome these kinds of folks coming to the United States who want to be contributing American citizens."
Unless, that is, they have a college degree and bright prospects. Those immigrants are prohibited.
The one link in there is added by Ann herself. The quote from the former CIA director is available at Boston Police commissioner on marathon investigation; Feinstein and King talk War on Terror; 'Big Brother' the solution to homeland security? Fox News Sunday, April 21, 2013.