
This Saturday, Celebrate International Galton Day

Steve Sailer


Galton figured out for Scotland
Yard how to organize fingerprints

As part of the ongoing canonization of Charles Darwin as the semi-divine saint of secularism, there is a movement to celebrate February 12 each year (the date he was born in 1809) as International Darwin Day in order to stick it to Creationists.

Darwin’s half-cousin Francis Galton, who extended Darwin’s work in a remarkable variety of ways, including developing key elements of statistical theory, was born 13 years and 4 days later on February 16, 1822.

While Darwin’s image is increasingly sacrosanct, Galton is increasingly demonized as the scapegoat to carry all the sins associated with Darwinism.

In reality, neither man was a saint nor a devil. They are far more similar than different, both admirable representatives of Victorian Liberal culture.

So, I'll be raising a toast on Saturday to Sir Francis.

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