Tom Cotton Objects To Dems Lynch Mob Plan To Impeach Trump AFTER He Leaves Office
Earlier, by Patrick J. Buchanan: The Lynch Mob Comes for Citizen Trump
Senator Tom Cotton has released this statement:
"The Founders designed the impeachment process as a way to remove officeholders from public office — not an inquest against private citizens. The Constitution presupposes an office from which an impeached officeholder can be removed. Fidelity to the Constitution must always remain the lodestar for our nation. Last week, I opposed the effort to reject certified electoral votes for the same reason — fidelity to the Constitution — I now oppose impeachment proceedings against a former president. Congress and the executive branch should concentrate entirely for the next week on conducting a safe and orderly transfer of power. After January 20, Congress should get on with the people’s business: improving our vaccination efforts, getting kids back to school, and getting workers back on the job."
[Emphasis added]
Cotton Statement on Senate Impeachment Proceedings, January 13, 2021
One possible reason for the Democrats' plan to impeach Trump, besides the obvious hate-crazed revenge fantasies — it would prevent Trump from holding office again. That is, in the name of democracy, the Democratic Party wants to make it illegal for Americans to re-elect Trump in 2024, when Trump will be the age Biden is now.
Pat Buchanan explained it on Thursday :
The left wants to stigmatize Trump down through the ages with twin impeachments, and its hatred of him has overwhelmed any commitment they had to due process.
Trump not only defeated the establishment in 2016. He got 74 million votes for a second term. Then, he defiantly refused to recognize that his defeat was fairly accomplished. Trump is hated because he will not play the role the left has assigned to him in its historic morality play, in which the left is always the triumphant star.
The Washington Post is now demanding that the trial, conviction and expulsion of Trump from the presidency begin before Joe Biden takes the oath in five days.
This is a familiar mindset: the spirit of the lynch mob. No time for evidence. No need for a trial where both sides can be heard. No need for reflection. Just declare him guilty and hang him.