Treason Lobby rules in Orange County NC.

Patrick Cleburne


A people, it is said, get the government they deserve. So perhaps it was to be expected that Orange County, North Carolina, site of Eric Muller’s lair UNC-Chapel Hill, and neighbor of Durham County, host to national disgrace Duke University, should get immigration wrong. Orange won’t play immigration role Patrick Winn The News & Observer January 26 2007 (Access requires free registration) gushes:

A resolution adopted Tuesday by the Orange County Board of Commissioners essentially tells law enforcement this: Don’t actively look to detain illegal immigrants who haven’t committed other offenses….

I want Orange County to be the kind of county people feel safe in," said Commissioner Mike Nelson. "All laws should be enforced, but we are not the enforcement agency responsible for immigration."

(E Mail Nelson)

The County has handed policy in the area over to a professional minority, Milan Pham:

Orange County’s position, drafted by its Human Rights and Relations Department, is that doing that promotes racial profiling and weakens minorities' trust in police. "Undocumented immigrants are not just black, brown or yellow," said Milan Pham, director of the county’s human rights department. "How will you know who’s documented unless you ask everybody?"

(E mail Pham)

and comes equipped with the regulation-issue craven police chief:

Orange County Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass is comfortable with the county’s direction, he said. "We've got enough to do in Orange County protecting people and their property," he said. "I’m not interested in any task force-type initiative. You know, 'Let me see your green card.' "

(E mail Pendergrass)

This stance is in pitiful contrast with other North Carolina counties, such as Mecklenburg, which has emerged as a national leader in responsible local government on immigration.

Being a neighbor of Orange County, however, does not necessarily mean you have to be in the Treason Lobby:

Cooperating with ICE has been a blessing in neighboring Alamance County, said Randy Jones, spokesman for the Sheriff’s Office there. "Orange County is making a grave mistake," Jones said. "They've got their head in the sand." About 70 percent of the people charged by Alamance deputies with drug trafficking turn out to be illegal immigrants, Jones said … "I don’t know how detaining someone for committing a crime is not the job of law enforcement," he said.

Applaud Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson

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