Treasonous Southern Baptists Provoke Fine Work From The Dow Blog

Patrick Cleburne


The arrival of the Southern Baptists on the Amnesty Bandwagon, as Allan Wall has put it, has had the beneficial effect of reactivating the Dow Blog.

Dating back to 2004, this blog has a tradition of penetrating and well-thought out commentaries, often from the perspective of a practicing (Southern Baptist) Christian. I particularly liked one repudiating the misuse of the "strangers in the land of Egypt" verse from the Bible. The proprietor has other responsibilities and has slowed down before — but came back to make valuable contributions in the 2007 Amnesty battle. Little has been posted since the end of 2008, although I understand he has been active on Facebook.

A Rebuttal to the SBC on Immigration and the Gospel, Part 1 is a remarkable essay. In part it is a scorching evaluation of what the Treason Lobby faction of the Southern Baptist Church have done:

By passing this resolution the SBC eagerly hopped on the amnesty bandwagon and comes dangerously close to advocating lawlessness in the name of Jesus. In so doing, they seek the approval of men, by which I mean the editors of the New York Times, rather than God. The entire spectacle is yet another piece of evidence that even the most "conservative" American institutions have been taken hostage by the poisonous principles of political correctness and Cultural Marxism, a Satanic Trojan Horse whose purpose is to serve as a weapon wielded by the enemies of Christianity to lull gullible and guilt-ridden Christians into complacency prior to slitting our collective throat.

But in part it is a concise, sophisticated and up to date exposition of the damage done to America by mass immigration. This section as a free-standing entity is a valuable addition to the patriotic armory.

We at are continually struck by the sheer ability of individuals who write on our topics from obscure locations in the hinterland — and the quality of the work they can do. Particularly in contrast to the garbage which is I believe quite deliberately used to clog access to the MSM.

Thanks, Dow Blog — and welcome back.

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