
Triple Shooting (Black Shooter / Black Victims) In Multi-Million Dollar Safe Streets Program In 70% Black Baltimore …

Paul Kersey


What is life like in a city no longer dominated by white privilege, but one where democratically black elected officials lord over a black majority city?

You have to create a Safe Streets program to convince black people not to shoot each other. To the tune of millions invested in this program… and even this doesn’t work.

Despite triple shooting in Safe Streets zone, Mayor Scott committed to program’s efforts, by Mikenzie Frost, Fox Baltimore, April 28, 2023

BALTIMORE (WBFF) — Despite a triple shooting in a Safe Streets catchment zone, Mayor Brandon Scott said the additional $5 million investment remains a priority and said the efforts continue to yield results.

The shooting in the McElderry Park Safe Streets zone left a 14-year-old boy injured, along with two others. Wednesday, few signs of the shooting remained in the area; a blood trail on the street and some fragments of the crime scene tape.

“The residents of Baltimore are a little smarter than to think about it in that sense,” Mayor Scott said when asked how the city can trust the $5 million investment would be a fruitful use of money.

Mayor Scott again touted a Johns Hopkins report showing some decreases in homicides and non-fatal shootings in some of the 10 different Safe Streets catchment zones; though the report also found a reduction in homicides was not found in some of the newer locations.

“We have to continue to focus on why in the hell people are doing these kinds of things to each other over small things,” he said.

The questions continue to go ignored about how Safe Streets locations are spending petty cash, and if the city or community-based organizations are responsible for keeping track of the receipts. Tuesday, Mayor Scott told FOX45 News he would get back to us about the issue when asked.

Follow-up questions were sent to both the mayor’s communications director as well as the staff at the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, or MONSE, which is the city agency overseeing the implementation of the Safe Streets program.

We have lost our greatest cities to black violence and worse, with white flight, democratically elected black rule. Our only choice is to be honest about the Scylla and Charybdis of egalitarianism.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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