Trump LEADING Clinton In FOX Poll, With Moderate White Share — Lots Of Room To Grow!

James Fulford


Today Trump has support from 87% of Republicans; for comparison, in March 2012, Romney had support from 84% of GOP.

— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) May 18, 2016

You can see the full Fox News Poll here, with methodology and crosstabs, but the Politico story tweeted by Mickey Kaus gives the following details:

Clinton holds double-digit advantages among women (50 percent to 36 percent), African Americans (90 percent to 7 percent), Latinos (62 percent to 23 percent) and those under the age of 35 (46 percent to 35 percent).

Trump, meanwhile, has the upper hand among independent voters (46 percent to 30 percent), men (55 percent to 33 percent), white voters (55 percent to 31 percent), those without a college degree (45 percent to 40 percent), and varying majorities of voters 35 and older.[Emphases added.]

Trump is winning without a huge white share — Romney got about 59 percent of the white vote, and he lost. Trump has lots of room to grow.

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