
Trump’s 2016 Non-College White Voter Share By State

Audacious Epigone


Reuters-Ipsos has a poll tracking partisan affiliation that has been running since the beginning of 2016. It now has a total sample standing at 457,215 responses. The explorer allows for all kinds of filters to be applied, including state of residency, educational attainment, race, and 2016 presidential vote. So here are the results with those filters applied to tease out whites without college degrees, graphically and in tabular form (for college-educated whites, see here):

State Trump%
1) Louisiana 84.0
2) Alabama 83.5
3) Mississippi 83.0
4) Wyoming 79.9
5) Georgia 78.8
6) South Carolina 77.4
7) South Dakota 76.5
8) Alaska 74.8
9) Tennessee 74.5
10) Arkansas 73.9
11) Texas 73.9
12) West Virginia 73.5
13) Oklahoma 73.2
14) Idaho 72.7
15) North Dakota 72.5
16) North Carolina 70.6
17) Virginia 69.9
18) Missouri 68.1
19) Montana 66.5
20) Kentucky 66.1
21) Utah 65.8
22) Indiana 65.7
23) Nebraska 65.5
24) Arizona 64.7
25) Maryland 64.5
26) Kansas 64.3
27) Florida 64.2
28) Pennsylvania 61.7
29) Colorado 60.9
30) Ohio 60.7
31) Nevada 60.0
32) New Mexico 59.4
33) New Jersey 59.1
34) Delaware 58.8
35) Maine 58.0
36) Minnesota 56.9
37) New York 56.6
38) Connecticut 55.5
39) Illinois 55.0
40) Wisconsin 55.0
41) Michigan 55.0
42) Iowa 54.5
43) Oregon 53.6
44) California 53.2
45) New Hampshire 53.2
46) Washington 51.1
47) Rhode Island 50.2
48) Vermont 46.2
49) Massachusetts 46.1
50) Hawaii 42.4
51) District of Columbia 41.3

With the modest exception of a few of the most leftist states in the country, Trump’s domination is nationwide. Even in those four states–four of the most leftist in the country–where Clinton won the white working-class vote, her margins were modest.

Corporate tax cuts. That will be Trump’s legislative legacy. What a pity.

For it to be otherwise, Trump is going to have to go to the mat on the wall. Bank on Pelosi’s and Schumer’s constituents needing the trough fully opened back up more than his own do. Congressional Democrats absolutely do not want to sign off on any wall funding, no matter how much Trump is willing to concede in exchange. The only way they are going to blink is if they are forced to do so due to political pressure from their taxeaters–both those who directly receive welfare benefits and those who fill the ranks of bureaucratic governmental do-nothing jobs.

Politically, this is his last stand. If he doesn’t get the wall funding, he’s two years a lame duck and one term a president. Consequently, Trump does not need to concede anything. If the Dems tap out, they’ll do so not on account of what Trump offers them but because they fear getting shot in the back if they don’t.

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