
Trump Seconds Brimelow On NEW YORK TIMES And Libel Laws: "If You Had Libel Laws, They Would Have Been Out Of Business "

James Fulford


Earlier, by Peter Brimelow: The Sin Of SULLIVAN: Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing For Libel

In his press conference, Trump went to some trouble to point out to the Main Stream Media types accusing him, on a regular basis, of lying, that they lie a lot.[Trump Plays Video Attacking Media At Coronavirus Briefing: "Media Minimized The Risk From The Start", by Ian Schwartz, April 13, 2020 ]

Since the media won’t show you this and since they’re trying really hard to rewrite history in yet another attempt to hurt @realDonaldTrump I suggest you watch this, send it to your friends, and RT.

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 14, 2020

At 4:19 in the video above, Trump says this:

But I just want to say it’s — you know, it’s very sad when people write false stories like, in that case, I guess it was gotten mostly from the New York Times, which is a highly — I mean, if you had libel laws, they would have been out of business even before they'll end up going out of business. So it’s too bad.

This is true. Peter Brimelow has written about why we're suing the NYT, above. Trump himself (actually his campaign, because he’s busy being President) is suing The New York Times over Russia Hoax-linked libels. [LIBEL: Trump Campaign Sues New York Times Over Article Claiming an 'Overarching Deal' With Russia,by Tyler O'Neil, PJMedia, February 26, 2020]

As I've written before, what The New York Times and other MSM organizations gained in the case of New York Times Co. v. Sullivan was the right to lie, and they're clinging to it.

When Trump, one of the most comprehensively libelled public figures in American history, talked about “opening up” the libel laws during his Presidential campaign, the MSM panicked and … compared him to Hitler, Mussolini, and Richard Nixon.

By the way, if you want to support our lawsuit against the NYT, go here to donate.

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