H/T al.com
Ann Coulter recently retweeted on her invaluable Twitter feed:
Gingrich, Christie, Pence — how about a Trump VP pick who *doesn’t* support continued mass immigration? https://t.co/I817pglRKK
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) July 1, 2016
It’s an excellent question. Here’s another:
This is not fanciful. His trade policy alone is enough to guarantee opening the coffers of powerful interests now profitably collaborating with China’s evisceration of the American economy. Let alone the lethal fury which will be unleashed by any attempt to implement any of his immigration proposals.
The GOP “Leadership” plainly hates Trump more than any Democrat. And the Democrats will have no scruples about impeachment. Look how they successfully reversed Nixon’s 1972 landslide over the Watergate triviality.
So besides being willing to support Trump’s agenda the VP choice would ideally be someone Trump’s enemies would fear in the White House even more than Trump.
The perfect choice is a man I have admired for some years: Representative Mo Brooks (AL-5).
Mo Brooks, who shares with Jeff Sessions a Numbers USA ranking of A+ at the top of the Alabama delegation first came to my attention with a series of brief televised speeches to the House.
Rep. Mo Brooks Hits Home Run On Unemployment/Immigration 9/11/2011
Congressman Mo Brooks Repeats: Help American Workers By Evicting Illegals 10.6/2011
put forward the elegant and obvious solution to America’s slack labor market: deport job-stealing illegals.
Excellent Anti-Amnesty House Speech By Mo Brooks 6/27/2012
attacked Obama’s Administrative Amnesty in terms the craven (or as I believe, bought) GOP Leadership would never do.
In recent years Brooks has been quieter, perhaps dispirited like the rest of us by the unbreakable grip the Treason Lobby seemed to have pre-Trump.
But his understanding of reality remained as firm: see
Mo Brooks: Democrats Waging A “War On Whites”–Righteous Right “No. No. No” 8/4/2014
Rep. Mo Brooks Shocks MSNBC by Wanting To DEPORT (!!) Illegals; Huffpo Commenters Agree 08/02/2014
Mo Brooks is clearly an intelligent man (apparently he got through Duke in 3 years) of strong principles. Besides challenging Immivasion, these include a much more hawkish stance on social issues like abortion than Trump. This would help assuage the Cruz faction and far more important, make him even more unwelcome in the White House to the Democrats.
If Trump wins the election, the Trump Wars will only have begun. Not being an improvement on Trump from the point of view of the Left should be a top criterion for Trump’s choice.
Peter Brimelow has long favored Kris Kobach for the Vice Presidency. I think Mo Brooks should be considered too. He raised the Immigration Patriot standard in the least friendly place of all — the U.S. Congress.