
Trump Slams Carson, Ryan and Rubio As Weak On Immigration

Patrick Cleburne


Although the MSM judging by the Google News survey has decided to bury the information, Donald Trump made some excellent immigration comments on CNN’s State of the Union this morning:

Trump said in an interview broadcast Sunday that retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who took the lead in the first-in-the-nation caucus last week, is “very, very weak on immigration” and “believes in amnesty strongly.”

He believes in citizenship — he’s going to give citizenship to people here illegally, and you can’t do that.”

Trump is right about Carson.

He also said Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who’s expected to be the next Speaker, is “very weak on immigration.”

“I think he’s a very nice guy, I think he’s a very capable guy, but there’s a couple of issues he’s very weak on. And one of those issues is immigration,” Trump said. “We have to have a border. We have to have a wall. We’re going to have a wall

Trump is right about Ryan

And Rubio

Rubio happens to be very weak on immigration,” Trump said. “He was a member of the gang of eight, they wanted to give whole country away, Rubio. Then his polls went down on and all of a sudden he got out of the gang of eight pretty fast.”

Trump is right about Rubio

(He might also have said that this slippery creature won his Senate seat in 2010 by claiming to be anti-amnesty and for immigration law enforcement — see Great FAIR Poster On Marco Rubio’s 180)

Trump hits Carson, refocuses on immigration By Bradford Richardson The Hill October 25, 2015

Trump concluded

“Look — we need to have a country or not?

That is indeed the question.

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