Trump Still In Statistical Dead Heat With Biden, But His White Share Weakens
The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch, released midday today (September 23), show Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump by one point, 48%–47%. Rasmussen says its margin of error is ±2.5%., so this is a statistical dead heat.
Last Wednesday, Trump led Biden, also by one point, 47%–46%, so that was actually a statististical dead heat too. But it was Trump’s first-ever lead, which would have been big news except for the Main Stream Media’s exceptionally tight Narrative Control.
Rasmussen makes demographic details available to its Platinum Service subscribers. Trump continues to do well (relatively, for a Republican) among blacks (32%) and "Other," Rasmussen’s grouping of Asians and Hispanics (50%). But these together make up only 30% in Rasmussen’s sample. Trump’s lead among whites continues to be his critical weakness. Biden actually gained a point this week, so the white vote now divides 50%–46%.
For comparison, Trump won 58% of the white vote in 2016 — and whites made up most of the 5% of the voters who went for Third Parties. Currently, only 3% of voters say they'll vote Third Party.
Significantly, Trump loses voters making over $200,000 a year by a staggering 37%-62%.