
Truth And Lies On The Cover Of The New Yorker

James Fulford


The cover of the New Yorker, seen here, is meant satirically. It’s supposed to represent the "lies" being told about Barack Obama, and the "fantasies" of right-wing racist Republicans.

But an examination of the symbols in the picture, show that most of them are basically accurate, and represent problems for Obama in the general election:

Finally, the fist-bumping thing — that’s not even arguably false. It’s Obama’s somewhat phony looking way of "keepin' it real." It’s part of the Hawaiian/Indonesian/White Obama’s way of answering the question "Is Obama Black Enough" in the affirmative. Steve Sailer: "Why Obama being "black enough" would be in the interest of the 7/8ths of the electorate that isn’t black has never been explained — but that’s hardly surprising because the MSM hasn’t even entertained it as a question. "

Ann Althouse called it a "hilarious spoof of the fears and lies about Obama," but pointed out where they may be coming from. I’m not sure if anyone on the Republican side is actually willing to hold Obama’s sandalled feet to the American-flag fueled fire over any of this stuff, but there is someone who will. From an ordinary American in Althouse’s comments:

IN THE COMMENTS: ricpic says:
The dead on truth about these two America haters.
Congrats Blitt.
And congrats to the Hillary camp inside The New Yorker.

Yes, that could very easily be the source of this cover. Which is amazing, when you consider that John McCain won’t even allow references to Obama’s middle name.

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