Tuesday’s OOV Amnesty News Collection: 23. Drudge 2 (Sort Of)

Patrick Cleburne


Today’s One Old Vet Amnesty story compendium totals 23. The most immediately encouraging is from USA Today Goodlatte not sold on Senate immigration plan Alan Gomez February 4, 2013

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., has seen immigration proposals by President Obama and a bipartisan group of senators that include a pathway to citizenship for the country’s 11 million illegal immigrants, and he has a simple response: Not so fast.

… When we did this in 1986, it clearly was totally ineffective," Goodlattte said of a 1986 immigration law that legalized 3 million illegal immigrants but did not secure the border.

Drudge actually has two stories, one really part of the ongoing anti-Napolitano campaign entitled Big Sis: ‘The border is secure’…linking to Napolitano: ‘The Border’s A Safe Border’ CBS DC February 5, 2013 and the other no doubt gaining admission as part of the War on Terror promotion project: Obama’s new immigration rules would have spared 9/11 hijackers … linking to ICE ex-chief: Nondeport rules would’ve spared 9/11 hijackersBy Stephen Dinan The Washington Times Monday February 4, 2013

The former chief of deportations in the Bush administration will testify to Congress on Tuesday that President Obama’s new nondeportation policies would have let the Sept. 11 hijackers remain in the country even if they had been picked up in the months before their deadly attacks

But there is nothing directly on the Amnesty machinations in Congress, which is what OOV’s stories are about.

Mustn’t stir up the serfs!

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