Tweeting The GOP Debate Last Night
Noticing, in real time, what a lot of people noticed — but Rubio didn’t:
#GOPDebate It is actually shocking to me that @Rubio is saying literally the same lines back to back. What is going on? Groundhog 5 minutes?
— VDARE (@vdare) February 7, 2016
Nobody believes you @marcorubio When you spoke to Spanish language media you said the opposite. #GOPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) February 7, 2016
Of course, the elephant in the jobs room is WHO gets employed. Americans should be prioritized, not immigrants. #GOPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) February 7, 2016
This it the article we published last night:National Data: Immigrants Grab January Jobs At Double Americans’ Rate — New Illegals Surge Underway.
A Retweet — Rubio demonstrated foreign policy memory skills, but who cares:
Rubio knows more about Sunnis, Jordanians, Iranians, Quds etc than he does about AMERICAN steelworkers, manufacturers, drywallers, etc.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 7, 2016
Speaking of releasing killers, let’s get back to immigration policy! #GOPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) February 7, 2016
Speaking of executive orders, let’s get back to immigration! #GOPDebate (noticing a theme?)
— VDARE (@vdare) February 7, 2016
#GOPDebate "We should not impose any political agenda on the military." HAHAHAHAHA
— VDARE (@vdare) February 7, 2016
As usual, @realDonaldTrump the only one to mention immigration, and even he merely hinted with allusion to "the border." #GOPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) February 7, 2016