In the debate Kaine and Pence talked about black Republican Senator Tim Scott’s complaint that he was stopped by the police for being black, and thus looking suspicious.
Senator Scott clearly has lots of emotions. Sheesh. #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
Senator Scott was stopped because black people commit disproportionate amounts of crime. #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
They also speed more. People think blacks get stopped more for speeding because they commit so much crime, and police want to check them out, but actually it’s because they also speed more. Twelve years ago I wrote about a study that shows that black drivers speed twice as much as white drivers. Tim Scott is a United States Senator who was caught speeding four times in one year. "Was I speeding sometimes? Sure. "
Pence: "What we need to do is assert a stronger leadership on a national level in support of law enforcement." #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
Pence tying in the previous conversations about crime and policing with immigration. Strong. #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
Law enforcement officers bring communities together & keep us safe. @mike_pence & @realDonaldTrump RESPECT & stand by them! #Debates2016 pic.twitter.com/ugUaKugjFO
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) October 5, 2016
More on immigration:
Pence does a good job tying in refugees re: "homegrown" terrorists #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
"Homegrown?" Not literally. They’re immigrant stock, which is immigrants and their children. #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
For a businessman to buy and sell in either Russia or Saudi Arabia is legitimate. For a former President and serving Secretary of State to be taking bribes is not:
Kaine keeps yapping about Trump’s business dealings in Russia — what about Clinton Foundation and Saudi Arabia? #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
Pence hitting hard on Clinton Foundation. Excellent job. #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
Every time Hillary & Kaine mention Manafort’s Russian ties, Trump and Pence should mention Huma’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. #VPDebate
— VDARE (@vdare) October 5, 2016
On the Huma/Muslim Brotherhood question, see the article I wrote in 2012 when Michele Bachmann raised it.
Here are some things noted by Megan McArdle, in spite of her not being a Trump fan.
Kaine’s coming pretty close to coming out and saying that if you toe-touch on US soil, you can stay. That would be … unwise.
— Megan McArdle (@asymmetricinfo) October 5, 2016
Kaine now claiming 100% accuracy in identifying terrorists who might try to enter the country. Tell us more about your psychic powers, sir!
— Megan McArdle (@asymmetricinfo) October 5, 2016
This is now the second debate where the moderator has lavished time on Trump’s follies & limited discussion of Clinton email server.
— Megan McArdle (@asymmetricinfo) October 5, 2016
And finally, one from Laura Ingraham:
"I look forward to working with you when you go back to the Senate." --Pence to Kaine
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) October 5, 2016
By the way, Peter Brimelow, watching the debate, said that Tim Kaine reminded him of Pekinese: