Two LA Times Stories On Immigration

James Fulford


The first is about the struggles within the Republican Party, and the fact that Democrats like Bill Richardson, Janet Napolitano and Nebraska’s Ben Nelson are now climbing on board the immigration issue.

A lot of what they're reporting is what you, as readers already know.The big news, considering that Republicans are still expressing fear of the mythical curse of Prop. 187, is the Democratic activity:

Among Democrats taking a more hawkish stance on illegal immigration is Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who is up for reelection in 2006. Last week, he issued a news release highlighting his support for a bill to strengthen border controls.

"When a Democratic senator from Nebraska is sending releases on border security, it shows the issue has greater reach," said Stuart Rothenberg, an independent political analyst. "It’s everywhere."[Border Security an Issue for GOP, By Janet Hook, November 27, 2005]

The other story is about the disconnect between Federal immigration laws, State Driver’s license laws, and Municipal Sanctuary policies, with various unapolagetic corporations profiteering off illegals.

They quote an illegal immigrant named Cristina Cardelas who is paying instate tuition at UCLA:

"I am allowed to work … and pay my taxes and everything, but I am not allowed to be here," said Cardelas, an undocumented immigrant who has both a matricula and federal tax ID number. "It’s hypocritical."

Cardelas, whose mother is a cook and whose father is a baker, got scholarships and worked two jobs — as a secretary and a waitress — to attend community college. Now she attends UCLA, where she is studying public policy and international relations. She pays in-state tuition.

But when she graduates, Cardelas said, she will be stuck back working low-wage jobs that don’t demand a valid Social Security card.[Policies on Illegal Immigrants at Odds, By Anna Gorman and Jennifer Delson, November 27, 2005 ]

She’s wrong about being "stuck," of course, because she’s not "stuck" in the United States. I’m sure there are jobs in Mexico for English-speaking college graduates. Spain takes immigrants from Mexico, too. Plenty of opportunity, and legal, too.

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