TX Republican Roughed Up By Hispanic Dems — SLATE Headline: "Texas Representative Sparks Capitol Fracas"

James Fulford


The headline is Texas Representative Sparks Capitol Fracas After Bragging He Called ICE on Immigration Protestors, By Dan Kois, May 29, 2017, but what actually happened is that several Mexican American Democratic members of the Texas Legislature physically attacked a Republican and threatened him with violence:

A near-brawl broke out on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives Monday after a Republican legislator declared he had called Immigration and Customs Enforcement on protestors decrying the state’s new anti-sanctuary city bill, according to two Democratic congressmen. Democratic representatives Ramon Romero Jr. and Cesar Blanco told reporters that they were discussing the demonstration, which sent hundreds into the gallery chanting in protest of Texas SB 4, which threatens local law enforcement agents with jail if they do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities. They were interrupted, Romero and Blanco said, by GOP representative Matt Rinaldi, who called the protestors a “disgrace” and said, “Fuck them, I called ICE.” In the resulting fracas, Rinaldi said he was pushed and shoved, calling the other representatives’ behavior “basically just bullying.” Another rep, Justin Rodriguez, told the Texas Tribune he heard Rinaldi threaten to “put a bullet in one of my colleagues’ heads.” For his part, Rinaldi told the Tribune that some of the protestors held signs reading “I’m illegal and I’m here to stay,” and that he called ICE “to incentivize them to leave the House.”

We've been asking for years why they don’t arrest illegals who demonstrate like this, and deport them as well. See my article So Why Doesn’t The “Broken Windows” Theory Apply To Illegal Aliens?, November 19, 2011. I assume that Texas state representatives Ramon Romero Jr. and Cesar Blanco can’t be deported, but perhaps the leadership of the Texas legislature can do something about them, as can the Texas Department of Public Safety — Rinaldi’s statement of what happened is below:

A statement regarding today. pic.twitter.com/M0BcBXa43P

— Matt Rinaldi (@MattRinaldiTX) May 29, 2017

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