U. of Missouri Football Squad Moral Paragons in Fight Against Racism; in Fight Against Rapism, Not So Much

Steve Sailer


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With the U. of Missouri football team and coach overthrowing the University’s president for insufficient racial hysteria today, it’s worth taking a look at the Missouri athletic program’s moral bonafides.

From ESPN:

Missouri has second-highest number of alleged … sex assaults in OTL study 6/13/2015 Paula Lavigne, ESPN Staff Writer

An examination last year of how the University of Missouri athletic department handled off-the-field issues involving some of its athletes was the impetus for a broadened Outside the Lines investigation, released Sunday, that studied similar issues at nine other major football and men’s basketball programs.

To determine how often crimes involving college athletes are prosecuted and what factors influence them, Outside the Lines requested police reports involving all football and men’s basketball players on rosters from 2009 to 2014 from campus and city police departments covering 10 major programs: Auburn, Florida, Florida State, Michigan State, Missouri, Notre Dame, Oklahoma State, Oregon State, Texas A&M and Wisconsin

Missouri had 63 criminal cases involving 46 athletes during the five-year time period. Twelve athletes were involved in more than one incident, Outside the Lines found, and Missouri had the second-highest number of allegations of sexual assault, violence against women, and harassment. Florida State had the most.

In several of the Missouri cases, victims declined prosecution because of the suspect’s status as an athlete and/or because they feared unwanted publicity and harassment from fans.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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