U. of Virginia Frat Boy Drunk and Disorderly Outside Irish Pub on St. Patrick’s Day; Racism Denounced
As we’ve all been informed repeatedly in recent months, fraternity brothers, especially U. of Virginia frat boys, are a major menace. So the national news frenzy over a Kappa Alpha Psi brother at UVA receiving a few knocks from the police outside the Trinity Irish Pub in Charlottesville where he was over-enthusiastically celebrating St. Patrick’s Day came as welcome news that society is finally trying to take back the night from the Fraternity Threat.
But then it turns out, apparently, that there are Bad Fraternities, like that bad one at UVA that got its windows smashed by the good students in last fall’s night of broken glass, and then there are Good Fraternities. And Kappa Alpha Psi evidently is one of the good ones.[VDARE.com note: For more on the "good ones" see Boren Goes Berserk Over OU Frat N-Word, But What About Black Frats? They Kill People! .]
It’s so hard to keep track of these things.