The UK’s Daily Mail has become an important source of news for Americans, as it sometimes highlights stories ignored by the U.S. media.
Immigration battle threatens to dwarf debt-limit fight as many Republicans fear power of 17 MILLION newly legalized loyal Democrats is the title of a Daily Mail article published October 17th. As the title indicates, it deals with the fact that illegal aliens, should they become citizens, overwhelmingly vote for the Democrats.
This is not news for VDARE.com readers. But it might be news to some low-information voters who haven’t been paying attention. The article also quotes the Center for Immigration Studies. All in all, it treats the restrictionist point of view much more fairly than the average U.S. Mainstream Media piece.
Here are some excerpts:
Republicans' new worst fear isn’t defaulting on America’s debts. If an immigration policy favored by the White House and Senate Democrats should become law, 17.3 million newly legalized immigrant voters would emerge by 2036, eager to reward the party that gave them a path to citizenship.
The White House has shifted gears and put its policy team in immigration overdrive, zooming past the debt crisis that threatened to sink the republic and on to the task of normalizing the estimated 11 million U.S. residents who have no legal basis for being there … .
The Center for Immigration Studies, Washington, D.C. think-tank, projects that the Senate bill, S.744, would add 17.3 million new legal, voting-age U.S. residents to 14.9 million whom analysts already expect to appear without the proposed law.
'To place these figures in perspective,' writes Steven Camarota, the group’s director of research, 'the last four presidential elections were decided by 4.5 million votes on average.'
Converting illegal immigrants into citizens has long been a Democratic Party brass ring. And not only, as President Barack Obama told business leaders on Sept. 18, because 'we know … that that can add potentially a trillion dollars to our economy, and that we will continue to attract the best and brightest talent around the world.'
Hispanics are the biggest ethnic group involved in U.S. immigration. In the 2012 elections, 77 per cent of those who voted supported Democratic candidates for Congress, according to the polling group Latino Decisions. Seventy-five per cent voted for Obama.
Among Hispanic voters who weren’t born in the U.S., Democratic congressional candidates picked up 81 per cent of the vote. Obama rated 80 per cent … .
And the Pew Research Center has consistently found that large majorities Hispanic voters favor policies that produce governments with bigger footprints and more social programs.
'There are things that we know will help strengthen our economy that we could get done before this year is out,' the president said Wednesday night as focus on the debt-limit fix bill moved from the Senate to the House.
'A law to fix our broken immigration system' was first on his wish-list …
Immigration battle threatens to dwarf debt-limit fight as many Republicans fear power of 17 MILLION newly legalized loyal Democrats David Martosko, Daily Mail, October 17, 2013