
Ukraine/Israel/Border Bill Betrayal: Why Such Senate Treason from Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, North Dakota & South Dakota?

Patrick Cleburne


In two votes, on Thursday, and early this morning, almost half of Senate Republicans threw away the best opportunity to halt the Biden “No Borders” Rush this Congress. They voted to pass a $95.3 billion Ukraine/Israel War funding bill with no supplement on U.S. border security.

The Deep State desperately wanted this funding. It was a tremendous opportunity to extract a high price. They wanted it so badly that they were even willing to the humiliation of allowing cosmetic border measures after three years of shouting down that the idea that change was needed.

We analyzed this fraud in Senate Border Deal A Sell-Out, Of Course. But GOP/GAP Will Kill It.

After Thursday’s 67-32 vote (which allowed discussion of the bill lacking any border measures to go forward) The Federalist posted a devastating piece: Meet The Republican Senators Who Lied About Prioritizing Border Security Over Ukraine Funding, by Samuel Mangold-Lenett, February 9, 2024.

Meet The Republican Senators Who Lied About Prioritizing Border Security Over Ukraine Fundinghttps://t.co/aSHRQebovU

— The Federalist (@FDRLST) February 9, 2024

This methodically collected the often very forthright statements by the seventeen about their determination to get meaningful border security improvements with this bill.

The culprits were:

Capito WV

Cassidy LA

Collins ME

Cornyn TX

Ernst Iowa IA

Grassley IA

Kennedy LA

McConnell KY

Romney UT

Rounds SD

Thune SD

Wicker MS

Young IN

Today’s vote produced 7 more traitors:

Boozman AR

Cramer ND

Crapo ID

Hoeven ND

Moran KS

Murkowski AK

Risch ID

Sullivan AK

Tillis NC

It needs to be emphasized what a brutal betrayal this is.

Ukraine and Israel are not going to collapse in the few days it would take to frame an effective border measure. The only reason the previous fraudulent package took so long was because it was fraudulent. And the Deep State was frantic.

The Federalist has not had time to comment yet but they do valuably report: McConnell, Tillis Openly Trash ‘Dim’ And ‘Short-Sighted’ GOP Voters After Base Rejected McConnell’s Bogus Border Bill, by Tristan Justice, February 12, 2024.

Thom Tillis has been a Treason Lobby asset all his career: Sen. Thom Tillis (NC–Treason Lobby): Time For The GOP To Ignore Him.

But what I really want to know is WHAT IS GOING ON IN





North Dakota

South Dakota

Where BOTH GOP Senators voted to betray their Country?

Looking at them, I wonder about Big Ag influence, but several similar states did not experience such a disgrace.

Patriots need to find out.

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