Unclear On The Concept Of Freedom Of Speech
I said yesterday that that the fact that we'd had an attack on Walter Kehowski by his supervisors a couple of years ago, which I wrote about on VDARE.com, didn’t mean that "Walter Kehowski has reoffended. It’s the Maricopa County Community College that has reoffended."
A second-string "watchdog" group called ConWebWatch [Send them mail]doesn’t quite get it:
What neither NewsMax or FIRE want you to know is Kehowski’s history of promoting inflammatory anti-immigrant rhetoric — which, along with his repeated violations of school email policy, is a more likely culprit behind his purported woes than e-mailing Washington’s Thanksgiving Day proclamation. After all, when the white "racialist" websites American Renaissance and VDARE are running to your defense — as they have for Kehowski in the past — the issue is bigger than George Washington. Press Release Journalism Watch, May 8, 2007,ConWebBlog: The Weblog of ConWebWatch
But "inflammatory anti-immigrant rhetoric" is a legitimate political position, shared by many, indeed most Americans, and public institutions aren’t supposed to fire people for their politics.