Univision Host Compares Michelle Obama To Planet Of The Apes; First Lady Gets Him Fired?

James Kirkpatrick


From homosexual exemplar of diversity to unemployed Nazi in one easy step

I love these revealing little incidents that screw up The Narrative of privileged white males responsible for all the evil in the world.

A popular Univision talk show host has been fired for making derogatory comments about Michelle Obama during a popular television show; the comments were widely circulated on social media.

On the Univision show "El Gordo Y la Flaca," Emmy award-winning host Rodner Figueroa said, "You know Michelle Obama looks like she is of the cast of "The Planet Of The Apes," pointing to a picture of the First Lady. The exchange took place during a segment on makeup transformations by a makeup artist, Paolo Ballesteros, who makes himself look like famous women celebrities.

[Univision Fires Rodner Figueroa for Michelle Obama "Planet of the Apes" Comment, NBC News, March 12, 2015]

Figueroa tried to use his "Get Out of Jail Free" diversity card but to no avail.

On Thursday Figueroa released an open letter in Spanish to the First Lady, apologizing and saying he was not a racist and that he comes from a biracial family, adding he was the first openly gay Hispanic TV host. Figueroa said the comments were not meant to be about Michelle Obama but about the makeup artist’s transformations to look like the First Lady.

One wonders if he thought he could get away with it for that reason. Your average white man would feel his inner PC alarm going off if such a thought even crossed his head.

But here’s the most interesting part.

But then Figueroa went on to say Michelle Obama was responsible for his firing from Univision, writing "I was verbally notified that a complaint from your office led to my dismissal." He also blamed Univision executives for a "fury" of information that led to his being "condemned" on social media.

The Office of the First Lady did not respond to a request for comment.

And so lèse-majesté came to America, not in the name of Neo-Reaction, but in the holy name of diversity.

The best part are all the "methinks she doth protest too much" style articles and tweets angrily insisting that Michelle Obama is beautiful [Univision host fired after saying Michelle Obama Looked Like Something From Planet of the Apes, by Yesha Callahan, The Root, March 12, 2015]

The one from the black website The Root is subtitled, "Figueroa is out of a job and the first lady is still beautiful."

Beauty standards, it seems are fascist and fat-shaming and expressing preferences about body types are evil.

Unless you are talking about the First Lady, in which case disagreeing with the proposition that she’s the sexiest woman on the planet is practically a hate crime. Like belonging to a fraternity.

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