Unmasked: The Truth About Antifa
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They'll shoot you. They'll shoot you again (how many murders does it take?), and most recently, they'll knock your teeth out. But Joe Biden thinks they're just "an idea."
In the alien invasion movie Independence Day,the beleaguered President of the United States, hoping he can forge some kind of a peace which will at least allow the survival of the human race, pleads, “What is it you want us to do?” The alien’s response is simple. “Die.”
— James Kirkpatrick, “DIE!”: The Unlimited Radicalism Of Antifa — Enforcer For Democrats (And, Tacitly, Conservatism Inc.)
- They hate America and want you dead.
- They “riot day after day in cities around the country without any consequence at all” in third-world post America.
- How did we get here?
- Why should you care?
VDARE.com has the answers [7 ITEMS]
It’s Come to Blood: White Trump Supporter Gunned Down by "100% Antifa" Member in Portland, by Jack Dalton
Max Nordau: The Portland Shooter’s Arrest Was Mostly Peaceful, by Steve Sailer
Antifa Thinks Charlottesville 2017 Gave It The Right To Block Roads. It’s Wrong. So What Is Trump Waiting For?, by Charlottesville Survivor
Why America Has Gone Mad, by Jared Taylor
From Kyle Rittenhouse To Michael Flynn, We’re In Third World Post-America. And There’s No Rule Of Law, by James Kirkpatrick
Surprise, Surprise! Vicky Osterweil, Author of In Defense of Looting, Used to be Willie Osterweil, by Steve Sailer