From a long LA Times article celebrating the 83-year-old head of the Los Angeles ACLU, Ramona Ripston, who is retiring after 40 years on the job of imposing her prejudices on LA:
Once upon a time, Ripston was a frustrated New York housewife with do-good instincts. In California, she transformed herself into a formidable force as head of one of the ACLU’s largest and, some would say, most liberal affiliates. She stood up to angry San Fernando Valley parents opposed to school integration … So much seemed possible when she came to California 39 years ago: She was excited about enrolling her children in its top-rated public schools and living in a state where citizens have the power of the initiative. But school quality has declined. And the ballot initiative has been used to reverse victories — against the death penalty, for school busing, affirmative action and gay marriage — that she fought so hard to win.
Too bad Sim City wasn’t around to consume Ms. Ripston’s prodigious energies and teach her a little bit about cause and effect.