I did an earlier blog, Two Words Missing From This Headline, which suggested that the Rapist Preys on Men in Houston Area should include the words "Black" and "Gay." It was suggested that perhaps "Gay" was unfair to the gay community, the unknown man who was committing these crimes should be considered to be not gay, in the sense that he probably doesn’t lip-sync, has never been to P-Town, and doesn’t accessorize. (We're big on stereotypes here at VDARE.com.)
However, he is committing homosexual rape, even if, somehow, in his heart of hearts, he’s not gay, but just someone who really hates white kids. And it is white teenagers he’s attacking — a Houston radio station has that important detail.
KHOU.COM, from radio station KHOU in Houston, Texas, has this version of the same AP story, but it does identify the race of the victims:"white men in their late teens and with similar builds."
Houston-area rapist preys on male victims04:44 PM CST on Monday, December 18, 2006
Associated Press [Excerpt]
In some cases, the attacker approached his victim outside their home. Other times, as in the most recent case, he broke into the home to confront his victims.
"I think he just sees one that he prefers, and then he begins to follow them and gather information, finding out where they live and watching their house," Whitaker said.
Whitaker said the victim in the most recent attack was slightly injured during a struggle with his attacker that led to his escape.
Victims have described the attacker as a clean-shaven black man, 18-21 years old, between 5-foot-6-inches and 6-foot tall and with a shaved head. Although some victims reported seeing a silver sports-utility vehicle nearby, police are unsure whether the vehicle belongs to the suspect.
The victims have all been white men in their late teens and with similar builds. All were attacked in or near their houses in the Baytown area or in Harris County, just southeast of Houston.
Texas has good self-defence laws, and good gun laws, so if you live in the area you should be aware and prepared. If you have teenage male relatives in that area, you should encourage them to be aware and prepared.
Which is just part of the reason why reporting the race of criminal and victim is a good idea — it means people have a chance to defend themselves.