UPDATE: White Teen Attacked By Hispanic Thug For Wearing MAGA Hat — Can I Get A Headline, Here, MSM?
If you watch the video linked below, you'll see a black man (Update: a dark-skinned Hispanic, I was deceived by the lighting) throw a drink in the face of a white teen, and steal his MAGA hat. The headline, however, is Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat, by Joe Galli, July 4th 2018.
Why? It’s all on video, you can’t hush it up. But that’s how the MSM thinks. When a black reporter murdered two white colleagues for explicitly racial reasons, one MSM operative was incandescent with rage when Breitbart said that.
I’m too angry to be tweeting about these racist demagogues at Breitbart but I can’t contain myself right now. pic.twitter.com/Jz3zTTr6HF
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) August 26, 2015
For more, see “The Truth Is Racist” — Why The MSM Establishment Is Beating Up BREITBART Over Vester Flanagan.
It’s like if they don’t say that, it didn’t happen.