UPDATED:An Urgent Message From Peter Brimelow: VDARE.com And America’ Darkening Future

By Peter Brimelow


Peter with his new daughter Felicity Deonne, born August 4 2010, both listening to Paul Gottfried address the H.L. Mencken Club

Christmas is barely over. No-one wants to face the New Year yet. But we must.

In particular, I must renew my appeal for you to give generously to help us reach our goal of $50,000 by the end of the fiscal year, December 31.

We currently have about $37,000. Many of you have already given, some of you more than once. But donations dropped off dramatically as Christmas approached and have now stalled again.

There are now only sixfive tax-deductible days left in 2010.

I am compelled to close the site until our donations pick up.

Let me give you just one brutal reason you must support VDARE.com.

Sometime in the next few months, the Census Bureau will announce that a majority of births in the U.S. are now non-white.

That means the U.S. will be majority non-white around 2040-when my new daughter, pictured above, will still be a young woman,

It’s an astonishing, indeed unprecedented, transformation of a country every one of whose Founding Fathers was white-in which nine out of every ten citizens was white as late as 1960.

And it’s all a result of government policy-specifically, the 1965 Immigration Act and the subsequent collapse, or sabotage, of law enforcement at our southern borders.

No-one wants to talk about this. (I’m sure that even some VDARE.com readers flinched when they read it). No-one wants to think what it means.

But at VDARE.com, we are prepared to say what it means: the end of the historic American-nation state-a nation-state being the political expression of a particular people, in this case the historic American nation as it had evolved by 1965.

A blog that our James Fulford posted on Christmas Eve summarizes what will happen in a nutshell. A pro-immigration Beltway libertarian think-tank had posted a goo-gooish lament about MSM reports of government corruption in the southern California city of Bell. James added the rest of the story:

"What you won’t be reading much in the press is that Bell is a small Hispanic town, (90.9 % Hispanic) with a Hispanic mayor and a largely Hispanic city council, which has been largely arrested. That makes the shakedowns of the local small businesses very familiar-it’s the traditional corruption that the Mexicans call la mordida,which translates as ‘little bite’ in English, and means that a citizen can’t do anything without paying off an official.

"One thing that immigrants who come to America for a ‘better life’ are coming for is to escape this system. But if they all come at once, it’s coming with them."

And this alien "system" coming soon to an America near you-if current immigration policy continues.

The antagonism toward America felt by even successful immigrant minorities can be shocking.

UCLA Professor Kent Wong got a little attention recently when he told an audience of illegal alien students gathered to support the DREAM Act amnesty (fortunately defeated in the lame duck Congress-but it will be back): "You will go on to become lawyers, teachers, doctors and members of the US congress to replace those old white men … You are the hope and future of this country". (Washington Times, December 14, 2010).

(Who other than VDARE.com pointed out that the great paradox of immigration and Affirmative Action: if amnestied, these illegal aliens would become lawyers, teachers etc. with the help of quotas, which would privilege them at the expense of native-born who are not in the "protected classes" — like my Felicity?).

But this sort of thing happens all the time. In the current political climate, there’s no need to hide it. Thus, Trinity College CT history professor Vijay Prashad had no qualms about writing in the radical webzine Counterpunch that, even though he had few expectations (from his leftist perspective), "I wanted Obama to win the 2008 election for one simple reason: it was a stubby brown finger in the eye of white supremacy". (October 13, 2010).

Get it? "White Supremacy" = America.

I am afraid that my new daughter Felicity has been born into what may prove the most turbulent century that the U.S. has ever experienced-one which, frankly, it may very well not survive.

Of course, all this could still be stopped. The historic American nation could still regain control of its institutions. It could still stop and even reverse immigration.

At VDARE.com, we regularly document how this could be done. We call it the "Sailer Strategy" because the concept was originally developed in articles by our Steve Sailer-basically, the Republican Party (or, more accurately, what we call the "GAP", or Generic American Party) has to mobilize its base. It’s just a matter of simple arithmetic.

But we've discovered that even famous political consultants are surprisingly often unable to count. And even when they can count, in the current political climate they are too afraid advise their clients to act.

VDARE.com exists to change that political climate. We do it by taking risks. That means we can’t hope for Establishment foundation support. We depend on you

I can’t think of another issue like immigration, where the American people feel so overwhelming one way, but the American elites so hysterically and intolerantly the other. It is now nearly nineteen years since I wrote my Time To Rethink Immigration? cover story for the pre-purge National Review, which late grew into my 1995 book Alien Nation. I have to admit that I never anticipated that the reasonable arguments I presented would be met with such unscrupulous and sustained savagery-or that so many putative allies would quail and flee.

I still believe that the historic American nation will regain control of its destiny. But I find myself remembering the last words of the harbinger of an earlier great convulsive national struggle: "I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with Blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done."

I don’t predict that America’s post-1965 immigration disaster will end in bloodshed-although of course there is constant under-reported violence on the Mexican border and elsewhere, witness the killing, just before Christmas, of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry in Arizona.

Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry, killed by suspected border bandits December 14, 2010

But I do now believe that achieving patriotic immigration reform will leave American politics and culture transformed much more radically, and painfully, than anyone now imagines.

Increasingly in 2011, VDARE.com’s articles will get darker-will be looking at a post-2040 survival strategy for the historic American nation if mass immigration is not halted.

That nation will still be here, even if it does lose control of its political institutions. It will simply have to develop new ones. VDARE.com will be exploring how that can be done.

This is the kind of radical thinking that you have come to expect from VDARE.com. It will not appear in the Establishment media, liberal or "conservative".

But we can only publish this thinking if you help us now.

One final note:

This has been a strong year in the stock market. Some of you will have capital gains. Don’t forget — you can give stock to the VDARE Foundation! You can help us more — at no cost — by avoiding capital gains tax!

The Obama Administration wants to tax capital gains more-as well as increasing taxes "high" incomes.

This is the time to give large donations-to reduce your taxes while saving America as well.

But please give something-every little helps.

The future of Felicity, and millions of American children like her, is in your hands.


Peter Brimelow

There are several options for making your tax-deductible donation! Just click on one of the following links and it will bring you to the page you need to make a donation in the manner you've chosen.

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  5. You can also donate stock-for details email
You can get a gift with your donation! We appreciate all of your support and would like to share a gift with you.

Currently available are the following items:

For a donation of $100.00 — A copy of our 2010 tree-based, hard-copy Anthology.
For a donation of $200.00 — A copy of all five of our hard-copy anthologies, including 2010’s!
Also don’t forget that if you buy your Christmas gifts by entering Amazon through a VDARE.com link e.g. here, we get a commission at no cost to you!
And the VDARE.com shop has lots of gift ideas!
And our great Sailersale, of Steve Sailer’s America’s Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama’s "Story of Race and Inheritance" is still on!
And Jack’s Christmas-a New Family Fable is a great gift for kids!
NOTE: VDARE.com is no longer associated with the Center For American Unity, which plans to focus on litigation. We are grateful for their past help and wish them well in future. Our sponsor is now the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity.

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