US Latino Officials: Declare "Border Vigilantism" A Federal Hate Crime
This from the "Voice of Aztlan." It seems there is a group of American politicians traveling in Mexico asking that the Minute Man Project [MMP] and any effort by Americans to attempt do the job the American president will not do to be … "Hate Crimes". Can’t you just see Morris Dees kicking himself for not thinking of this first? Prediction from Georgiafornia: next step- declare the entire U.S. Border Patrol to be a hate organization. Still time here Dees, why not put Heidi Beirich on this — but you better hurry, before the Texas AFL-CIO beats you to it. They are on the same page as the anti-American Americans smoozing in the old country. Also, I love this from that same group of American elected officials:
"Bush should openly declare that he is against the Minuteman Project, and more aggressively criminalize their activities … ",
Umm … Por favor — someone tell these people that the President has already made his position on MMP crystal clear.