
Vatican Catholics Tell Italians to Pipe Down about Illegal Alien Invasion

Brenda Walker


Above, the pope visited the Italian island of Lampedusa in 2013 to “highlight the suffering of migrants.” The island has been overrun with African illegal aliens because of its proximity to Tunisia and Libya.

The current pope is a serious anti-borders type and recently called the rejection of migrants fleeing violence “an act of war” — which is an upside-down characterization when Europe is being invaded by many thousands who just want free stuff. Many of the illegal aliens flooding through Europe’s open borders pretend to be refugees, but are actually economic opportunists, encouraged by the fecklessness of the Eurocrats who refuse to defend their homeland.

Other important cassocks chimed in behind the pope’s anti-nation-state theme, with Angelo Bagnasco, the head of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, denouncing “the indifference shown to the exodus of desperate people forced by poverty, war and persecution to take their chances elsewhere.”

It’s too bad Cardinal Giacomo Biffi is no longer around to speak sanity to power. He died on July 11 but is remembered as warning in a 2000 pastoral letter that the influx of Muslims was a danger to Italy’s Catholic identity and that Christian immigrants should be given preference. He also stated that Islamic notions of family and the status of women were incompatible with Italian culture and that Islamic fundamentalists posed a threat to Christian Europe.

The pope and his cronies are generous with the safety of Europe even though the invasion of historic Muslim enemies presents an existential threat to the continent, now and going forward. Today’s liberal generosity to thousands of moocher migrants will turn out badly as jobs disappear with increasing automation and the young Muslim men become disappointed and angry.

Below, African migrant men disembark from an Italian Navy rescue boat onto the island of Lampedusa in May.

At least the concerned citizens have their heads on straight and are standing up against the destructive Catholic elites.

Church clashes with Italy’s right over migrants, The Local, August 11, 2015

High-ranking members of the Italian Church on Monday slammed politicians who peddle anti-immigrant ideas to win votes — sparking a heated row with Italy’s right wing.

“We here hear talk of the ‘unbearable’ number of asylum seekers, an attitude that is unfortunately fed by these salesmen” who are merely pandering to voters, Nunzio Galantino, secretary general of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI), said in an interview on Vatican Radio.

The head of the anti-immigration Northern League party, Matteo Salvini, was quick to lash out at the Roman Catholic Church, saying “those who defend this illegal invasion, which is ruining Italy, either don’t understand or are making money” from the migrant arrivals.

Tempers have been fraying in recent weeks over the reception of migrants and would-be refugees in Italy, with Pope Francis intensifying his pleas for those fleeing war or persecution to be taken in — despite increasing anger over the numbers being rescued.

With the Italian coast guard reporting new operations daily, Salvini asked if those picked up at sea “will be taken to Brussels or the Vatican?”

The League insists those who urge Italy to save migrants should also shoulder the responsibility for looking after them.

Italy’s anti-establishment Five Stars (M5S) party has also called for greater controls over asylum seekers and a “tightening up” of permits.

The CEI’s head, Angelo Bagnasco, denounced “the indifference shown to the exodus of desperate people forced by poverty, war and persecution to take their chances elsewhere”.

Over 1,500 migrants were rescued Monday from seven boats which had run into trouble off Libya, according to the Italian coast guard.

The UNHCR said last week that some 224,000 migrants have arrived in Europe via the Mediterranean since the start of the year — 98,000 in Italy and 124,000 in Greece — and over 2,100 people have died during the crossing.

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