VDARE.com: 01/06/05 — Blog Articles
Tsunami = Twenty Million Indonesians Headed Here? [A Reader] - 01/06/05
Chalk another one up to your wonderful contributor Juan Mann — the El Salvadoran Earthquake scam keeps on rolling.
After the early 2001 earthquake, some 248,000 Salvadorians were given compassionate admission to this country. Now their ability to stay has been extended once again…four years later! [Minneapolis Star-Tribune, January 6, 2005]
El Salvador is famous for its beautiful women — and, based on personal observation, I cannot disagree. But it ought to be equally famous for its nasty gang culture — somehow this is less publicized.
And of course the outrageous consequences of the catastrophic14th Amendment misinterpretation continue.
Only 1,200 Salvadorans died in their earthquake. Over 100,000 Indonesians were killed in the Christmas Tsunami.
Does that mean 20 million Indonesian immigrants are headed here?
That Mexican Migrant Guide — En Ingles! [Jared Taylor]- 01/06/05
We have posted an English translation, fully illustrated, of the recent Mexican government comic book on how to sneak into the U.S. illegally.
More McDonald On Russell Kirk [James Fulford]- 01/06/05
Wesley McDonald has been on Book TV, talking about his book on Russell Kirk, and he was introduced by Paul Gottfried., since the talk was at Elizabethtown. You can watch it in RealAudio, by clicking here.
In the introduction, Paul Gottfried refers to a piece on Kirk in the New York Times. I was amazed that, when the Times quoted a Kirk speech, they didn’t know how to link to it. VDARE.com rules!