VDARE.com: 01/25/05 — Blog Articles

white doe

Virginia Dare


Media Minimize Mexican Massacre [Joe Guzzardi] — 01/25/05

The American mainstream media rarely criticizes Mexico.

But the BBC News, not so bound by political correctness, has written extensively about Mexican drug trafficking dating back to June 2000 when its feature "Mexico’s Most Feared Family" appeared.

The latest installment is its January 22nd story "Mexico Jails Placed on High Alert," which that tells the story of increasing violence between federal authorities and rival drug gangs,

According to BBC correspondent Claire Marshall, in the most recent outburst six prison workers in Mexico’s Matamoros penitentiary were shot gangland style after finishing their shifts.

President Vicente Fox pledged to wage "the mother of all battles" against the drug lords responsible for the executions.

According to Google, this story has barely made it into the U.S. national news.

Fox obviously has his hands full in Mexico. He should spend more time on domestic policy and forget about invading America.

Miscarriage of Justice [James Fulford] — 01/25/05

Michael Fumento has blogged about the freeing of convicted murderer Wilbert Rideau.

"Hallelujah! After 44 years one of America’s most famous convicts, a black man named Wilbert Rideau convicted of murdering a white woman in Louisiana during the Jim Crow era, is free. Headlines worldwide proclaim justice has been done. But they couldn’t be more wrong. Justice is weeping. For Rideau remains what he was when I knew him 17 years ago — a cold-blooded murderer. [A Celebrity Murderer Beats the System]"

"Justice is weeping" — there are two kinds of "miscarriage of justice", the kind where the wrong man is convicted, and the kind where the right man gets away with murder. This is the second kind. Rideau was released in spite of his guilt, just as Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was released from jail, not because he was not guilty, but because a judge (played by Rod Steiger in the movie) said that the prosecutor should not have mentioned his motive. There have been other cases like this, in which the presumed racism of American society is allowed to trump incredible amounts of evidence of guilt. While some police officers may be guilty of de facto racism, a morbid, (if frequently justifiable, ) suspicion of African-Americans, it’s pretty clear that the de jure racism is on the other side.

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