VDARE.com: 02/07/05 — Blog Articles

white doe

Virginia Dare


Hmore Hmong Violence in Hminneapolis [Brenda Walker] - 02/07/05

The Hminneapolis Star-Tribune continues to amaze with jaw-drop "journalism" that goes far beyond the basics of mere political correctness into new levels of confusing readers.

Consider the article "Officer straddles two worlds" [February 6, 2005] and its laudatory beginning:

With a physique and charisma attractive enough to launch him into Asian martial arts movies, St. Paul police patrolman Tou Mo Cha had a following in the city’s Hmong community that made him a natural to travel last year with Mayor Randy Kelly’s hand-picked delegation to Thailand.

You might think "Hmm, another warm and fuzzy immigrant puff piece. Bo-o-o-r-ring." But that supposition, dear reader, would be wrong, because this is a crime story — the subject is apparently a perp, not a "Hmong role-model."

Tou Mo Cha is accused of second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon, terrorist threats and criminal property damage, in connection with some intramural Hmong violence centered around Vang Pao, a CIA-affiliated general from the Vietnam war. The reader learns these incidentals after the emotional set-up of the "straddles two worlds" culture-clash has been established.

Cha is going to trial Feb. 14, and we are hoping for clarity from the courts unlike the muddled picture presented by the Star-Trib.

OpinionJournal.com’s Latest [James Fulford] - 02/07/05

Paul Greenberg’s illegal alien article is up on OpinionJournal.com, so those of you who read Bryanna Bevens' smackdown of it can now read the whole thing, Oh, and you can send Paul Greenberg mail, if you like.

OpinionJournal not only reprints most of the pro-immigration stuff from the WSJ, ("America needs more foreign workers." is an opinion, after all, rather than a fact) but has been known to scalp them from other publications as well, see this one from Commentary, with our comments.

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