VDARE.com: 03/11/05 — Blog Articles

white doe

Virginia Dare


Immigration wrecking Health Care [Joe Guzzardi] — 03/11/05

The Spring 2005 issue of Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons includes a devastating article by Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., ESQ titled "Illegal Aliens and American Medicine." [PDF file]

The piece is a luminous and unblinking inspection of the costs and consequences of providing Federally-mandated health care to illegal aliens. Cosman documents the destruction through financial damage of the American healthcare delivery system and details the new health problems illegals are bringing. Her policy recommendations include ones that VDARE.com has advocated since our inception: enforce immigration laws, close the "Anchor Baby" loophole, and grant no new amnesties.

Among the references listed is a VDARE.com column I wrote in January 2003: Illegal Aliens: The Health Cost Dimension

Two books by VDARE.com contributors Michelle Malkin, "Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores" and Jon Dougherty :"Illegals: the Imminent Threat Posed by Our Unsecured U.S.-Mexico Border" are also listed in the references.

Border Regions Now Zeta Zones [Joe Guzzardi] — 03/11/05

In her Thursday meeting with Mexico’s Foreign Secretary Ernesto Luis Derbez, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice danced around the issue of increasing violence along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The newest threat is the growing presence in the U.S. of the bloodthirsty gang known as the Zetas.

The Zetas are former elite Mexican soldiers trained as anti-drug commandos who are now mercenaries for drug traffickers. They have been linked to hundreds of killings and kidnappings on both sides of the border.

Mexico’s leading anti-drug prosecutor, Jose Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, says the Zetas are "extremely violent," and "much feared in the region because of the bloodshed they unleash."

The Zetas willingness to operate within the U.S. represents a departure from standard practice for Mexican cartels. Traditionally, traffickers keep a low profile on U.S. soil in an effort to avoid confrontations with U.S. law enforcement.

The American Ambassador to Mexico, Tony Garza, said in January that Mexican authorities needed to do a better job policing the border. That criticism was rejected by Mexico.

So while Mexico looks the other way, the Zetas get bolder. And Americans are in greater danger.

The Benefits Of The REAL ID Act [Bryanna Bevens] - 03/11/05

My recent column about the potential pitfalls of the REAL ID Act received mixed reviews. Don Collins commentated on the benefits of HR 418 for the Washington Dispatch. The Means to Keep Safe Driver’s Licenses

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