VDARE.com: 04/11/05 — Blog Articles

white doe

Virginia Dare


Indian Call Center Scandals Covered Up? [John Miano] — 04/11/05

There scary thing about these off-shoring scandal stories [Cheap Labor Proves Expensive For Citibank] is not only do Americans have to worry about theft when companies "offshore" their information but also they have to worry about it happening and not even finding out about it.

a. As you can tell from these stories, the details are being kept under wraps.

b. No major media outlet in the U.S. has picked up on this yet.

I follow this stuff quite closely but it took me nearly three days to learn of this.

[VDARE.com note: Headlines that refer Cr or crore, refer to ten million rupees, a rupee is 2.2 cents, roughly, and a lakh, as Kipling fans could tell you, is a hundred thousand. That adds up to a considerable sum in real money though, nearly $350,000.]

Marburg Fever: Is It In Search of the American Dream Too? [Randall Burns] — 04/11/05

Modern transportation and bad immigration and trade policies have combined to create considerable risk for the US public-and the rest of the world. The latest outbreak of Marburg viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) in Angola appears considerably worse than past outbreaks of Marburg VHF or its cousin, Ebola fever.

This version of Marburg VHF is spreading considerably more rapidly than in the past. Many Angolans seem to feel that health care procedures are playing a major role in the spread of the disease., though WHO has recently been able to resume work

Doctors Without Borders has urged closing of some Angolan medical facilities:

One of the features that is unusual compared to past outbreaks is this one has spread rapidly into African cities, including at least one with an international airport.

As we have pointed out in the past, not all Americans profit from Open Borders or WTO managed trade. The principle of True Cost Pricing demands that those that profit from these activities should pay for the risks passed onto the general public.

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