VDARE.com: 05/04/05 — Blog Articles

white doe

Virginia Dare


A Happy Cinco de Mayo … [James Fulford] — 05/04/05

… to the citizens of the Estados Unidos de Mexico, who are still in Mexico. And also to those of their compadres who are legal residents of the United States. As for the rest of you, i.e. the large Mexican illegal population, wouldn’t this be a good time to return home to celebrate your national holiday? They miss you. Most Americans wouldn’t.

[See Allan Wall’s Cinco De Mayo Means Freedom From Foreigners. Why Don’t We Try That In The U.S.? from May 5 of last year.]

Vox Blog, Vox Pop, Vox Dei? [Peter Brimelow] — 05/04/05

From the Dow Blog this morning came one of the most fluent and powerful denunciations of America’s immigration disaster that I've have seen in a long time:

"The demographic tsunami unleashed by mass immigration has economic impacts… but there are some obvious political consequences…as well… traditional political institutions, and especially parties and their campaign tactics, will compete for this new bloc of voters. In doing so, they will adapt to the demands, interests, and values of immigrants by abandoning issues and constituencies they have supported in the past…Might the growing Mexican influx and surging influence reverse…the American Southwest? … Who exactly gave these hombres [ Clinton andGW] the right to welcome a 'new America,' and what might it look like from a political standpoint? … today’s stream of immigrants is significantly different from its predecessors…the GOP, allegedly the party of law-and-order and fiscal sanity, will provide carte blanche legal amnesty to law-breakers, and cut them a Social Security check at the same time, as long as their pandering will be rewarded at the ballot box … "

This well-reasoned and intellectually sophisticated piece ought to be read and used by everyone awake to the issue.

What strikes me, as a professional journalist, is how hot the poltical lava boiling under the surface has become when an amateur with small children will write a 1,500 word article ( half a week’s work for a Goldberg Review flack) and then post it on a free, and I gather, not too well known, blog.

The natives are definitely restive.

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