VDARE.com: 11/10/04 — Blog Articles
Veteran’s Day: Colin Powell Surrenders To Mexico [Brenda Walker] - 11/10/04
I’m a California treehugger, but it made my blood boil to see the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Secretary of State Powell, on a surrender mission to Mexico just before Veterans Day. His boss, el Presidente Boosh, wants American sovereignty dismantled in short order. Bushie apparently wants a shotgun marriage between America and our rapacious southern neighbor. Lovely for the Bush dynasty, but hell for the rest of us.
For the icing on the cake, er salsa on the burrito, Bushie named a Hispanic Attorney General on Wednesday. Perfect timing.
The United States of America joined at the hip with Mexico with an endless infusion of Mexicans and Mexican "culture" is not a pleasant thought. But business will be happy to have its slave shortage solved. No more "Who will pick the cotton?" Not in the glorious globalist feudal future fomenting in the Bushie brain.
Many thousands of American servicemen gave their lives to protect us from the invasion of thuggish hordes and totalitarian ideology. They fought and died to keep out fascism and communism, but today’s politicians, including the President and much of Congress, are welcoming those ideologies among the cheap labor as a part of multiculturalism and the global economy.
Don’t blame me. I voted for None Of The Above.
Powell and McCain Mock The Very Principles For Which They Fought, [Dave Gorak] — 11/10/04
I didn’t wear the uniform of the United States so people could enter this country illegally and then arrogantly walk the streets of my community demanding "respect" and "dignity."
But some veterans apparently believe otherwise, including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Secretary of State Colin Powell, two of Vicente Fox’s favorite boot-lickers. Both men risked their lives in Vietnam, McCain enduring seven years as a POW in that country. Now both openly mock the very principles for which they fought, and both want the rest of us to do likewise. Both want all of us to join them in spitting in the face of the Greatest Generationand the others who paid so dearly in all of the nation’s conflicts. Both should be forced to explain to the families of our troops in Iraq why their loved ones are being sacrificed for values and ideals that these men (and others) see as being at odds with Mexico’s political agenda.
What was it that President Bush said during the May 29 dedication of the World War II Memorial?
"As we defended our ideals, we began to see that America is stronger when those ideals are fully implemented."
Mr. Bush, you're not fooling anyone.
Powell and McCain are not worthy of being called American, and the biggest favor these two can do for the nation is to never again set foot in one of our military cemeteries or have the nerve to ask to be buried in one of them. That hallowed ground is for heroes, not hypocrites.
Our Infallible Leader’s Pet Obsession Is Back: [Steve Sailer] — 11/10/04
From the Washington Times:
President Bush yesterday moved aggressively to resurrect his plan to relax rules against illegal immigration, a move bound to anger conservatives just days after they helped re-elect him. The president met privately in the Oval Office with Sen. John McCain to discuss jump-starting a stalled White House initiative that would grant legal status to millions of immigrants who broke the law to enter the United States …
"We are formulating plans for the legislative agenda for next year," said White House political strategist Karl Rove. "And immigration will be on that agenda." He added: "The president had a meeting this morning to discuss with a significant member of the Senate the prospect of immigration reform. And he’s going to make it an important item."
While the president was huddling with Mr. McCain, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell was pushing the plan during a visit to Mexico City. "The president remains committed to comprehensive immigration reform as a high priority in his second term," he told a meeting of the U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission. "We will work closely with our Congress to achieve this goal."
Bush should name his bill "The George P. Bush Dynastic Succession Enablement Act."