Many of us at VDARE.com have written about the virtue of First Amendment freedom. Often when one is defending the right to freedom of speech, it seems they are chirping on about something that offends another and therefore, the First Amendment becomes their shield against legal retaliation or governmental censorship.
Not so with me.
For example, Linda Ronstadt in an interview with USA Today had much to say about well, people like me. [Linda Ronstadt, hummin' an outraged tune, by Eysa Gardner, 11/16/04].
Regarding the recent election,
"People don’t realize that by voting Republican, they voted against themselves," she says.
And then there was her uh, take on the war. Yet, true to the self-righteous onus of today’s naïve Hollywood hypocrite turn simple-minded social activist, it took her seconds to refer to Republicans (or anyone who supported Bush) as Nazis.
"I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this war. They don’t know anything about the Iraqis, but they're angry and frustrated in their own lives. It’s like Germany, before Hitler took over. The economy was bad and people felt kicked around. They looked for a scapegoat. Now we've got a new bunch of Hitlers."
I can’t even award points for shock value. I supported President Bush therefore I am another Hitler?
I would never advocate silencing her voice. But I thought I would share mine.
Linda Ronstadt is Jabba the Hut in roller skates and as soon as she looks in the mirror, she'll figure out that the fat lady is singing…in more ways than one.
The "new" New York Times turns out to be just like the "old" New York Times.
You may recall that after the Howell Raines/ Jayson Blair scandal, the Times pledged more professional journalism and hired Ombudsman Daniel Okrent to assure that both sides of every story would be printed.
But, lo and behold, when the subject is immigration, the only voice heard is the enthusiasts.
Here are ten immigrant profiles — "personal" and "poignant" according to the Times — published today (November 21 2004) under the title "The Next Wave" (bylines include Suki Kim, Janjna N. Singh, Mohammed Naseehu Ali).
How long would it have taken the Times to locate ten criminal offenders and profile them to provide the promised balance for its readers?
San Francisco Chronicle reporter Maria Alicia Gaura’s November 20 story Beleaguered Salinas Plans to Close Its Libraries, detailed the pending shut down of all three city libraries in January.
Much of Gaura’s story laid the blame on failed tax measures on the November 2 ballot. But more than 50% of Salinas in Hispanic. And a close read of the Chronicle’s politically correct story explains why Salinas is about to become the largest city west of the Mississippi (and possibly in the US) without a library system:
Hint: these are common denominators found in bankrupt cities overwhelmed by the costs of providing for surging numbers of illegal aliens.