VDARE.com: 12/10/04 — Blog Articles

white doe

Virginia Dare


UnDemocratic Democrats Lynching Sam Francis [A Reader] — 12/10/04

Democraticundergrond.com, a partisan Democrat bulletin board, is getting upset at Sam Francis, after David Brock attacked his Monday Night Football column. [See Today’s Letter]

The debate seem to be between incarceration, banning, and murder. Not very Democratic.

Well done, Sam!

Some time ago, in its never-ending quest to spread fear and loathing among well-intentioned liberals and then vacuum up their loose cash, Direct Marketing Association Hall of Famer Morris Dees' Southern Poverty Law Center turned its aim on people like Richard Lamm, the three-time former Democratic governor of Colorado, and publications like VDARE.com. There’s probably no better measure of the ignorance and credulity of the press that much of the media has taken the SPLC’s recent attempts at demonization seriously.

The evidence that the SPLC is in it for the money has been around for years. But here is something important I hadn’t seen before: the devastating statement of Jim Tharpe, the Deputy Metro Editor of the Atlanta Constitution, about the Southern Poverty Law Center, which he made during a Harvard panel discussion about his experience editing a massive Pulitzer-finalist investigative series on the Southern Poverty Law Center during his days at the Montgomery Advertiser. [Statement also posted here].

From the Minneapolis Star-Tribune: another of those heart warming stories about immigrant entrepreneurs:

"Federal indictments show that Israeli nationals, many in the United States illegally, dominate Internet moving scams… Many of the people connected with moving scam companies in south Florida are Israeli nationals…said James Cobb, a state prosecutor.

Federal indictments in Florida that led to recent convictions often stipulate that deportation to Israel will result once prison time is served. Dozens of defendants with Israeli connections were charged with extortion, fraud and other offenses" [by Kevin Giles, December 4, 2004]

There is even a web site set up to monitor these activities.

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