VDARE.com: 12/13/04 — Blog Articles
Usual Smear Of VDARE.com, Sailer in NY Daily News — 12/13/04
Steve Sailer replies in devastating detail.
Treason Lobby gears up in Minnesota [A Reader] — 12/13/04
Look out Minnesotans! The Minnesota Foundation has its sights on you.
Today, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, The Mondale Report will be released at a meeting at the University of Minnesota. Judging by the press report, it will be the usual immigration rah-rah parcel of deceit. While former VP Walter Mondale’s authoring Minnesota Community Foundation is so insignificant it appears not to have a web site (he is clearly in the name-renting trade), the entity behind the report, the $571 Million Minnesota Foundation, "one of the nation’s oldest and largest community foundations" is substantial and means business. An affiliate is holding a series of meetings on immigration this winter, and a 16 page Immigration brochure (pdf file) of stunning vacuity has been produced.
Completely absent from this literature is any discussion of
Downward pressure on wages caused by immigration.
Upward pressure on Crime
Upward pressure on Disease rates
Why it is sensible to import into one of the most efficient and homogenous areas of America notoriously incompetent ethnic groups like the Somalis and the Hmong.
Why any of this does native-born Minnesotans any good
Email Emmet D. Carson, President of the Minneapolis Foundation, and let him know the friends of VDARE will want answers.