VDARE.com Blogger Correctly Predicts Hate-Hoaxer Skate
In May of last year, I predicted that Johnathan Perkins, the hate hoaxer at the University of Virginia Law School, would
- not be denied a law degree
- be admitted to the bar
- find a law firm willing to hire him
See Now Taking Predictions on How Easily This Race-Hoaxer Skates.
It appears I was correct about 1) and 3). As for 2), we'll have to wait and see.
Perkins, to refresh your memory, falsely accused UVA police of racist treatment. The normally fair-minded David Lat at the Above The Law speculates it was the "high pressure environment" of a prestigious law school like UVA that might have caused him to buckle. [An Update on Johnathan Perkins Did He Get His Law Degree?, By David Lat, Above the Law, January 10, 2012] Please. It was political correctness, all the way. Blacks in America can make up tales of "racism" to their heart’s content, and get away with it every time. The Honor Committee saw a black man before them, and cut him loose. End of story.
Perkins' new home, Robinson & Geraldo, looks nice and cozy for him — check out the bio of Gerald Robinson, whose life and legal career seem to revolve around, well, his blackness.
What’s a little fibbing about the man between us brothers, eh?
Now’s a good time to renew the call for criminal penalties for race-hate hoaxes (not my idea originally, but it’s a good one). We all know that "bias" and "hate crimes" face criminal sanction. So do "false reports" in most jurisdictions. But the frequency with which this happens — and the devastating consequences for the (usually, but not always) white victims and community — call for this to be a special category of crime.