thankyoufor Editor Peter Brimelow Thanks VDARE DAILY VIDEO DIGEST’s Wilson Hewlett

Peter Brimelow


I'd been an MSM journalist for more than 25 years when I launched on Christmas Eve 1999, because an earlier wave of purges had made it impossible to publish facts and analysis about immigration and the National Question except on the then-insurrectionary internet. The subsequent experience taught me a lot of things, but one key insight was just how many talented writers and thinkers are Out There. Journalism is not a profession: it’s a trade. "Half the people in Canada who can write a long-form magazine article are in this room," a colleague at Canada’s Macleans’s once said in a staff meeting I attended in the (pre-internet) 1970s. But it wasn’t true — it was never true. it was just in-group arrogance.

Wilson Hewlett, whose graceful farewell Daily Digest we just posted, is an example of the talent that is Out There in America.

I don’t think Wilson had ever been active in journalism before he joined us, and I’m absolutely sure his obvious skills will not be aceepted into the increasingly in-groupish MSM ingroup going foward. But that’s their loss (and America’s). I’m sorry that financial pressures have forced us to change course now, and I look forward to seeing Wilson in a different role on in the future.

And thanks to Faith Goldy for her first National Question video tonight!

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