VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow Writes A Personal Note On BREXIT
Has anybody noticed that there’s been a distinct pattern of stunning electoral upsets recently? — Dave Brat, Donald Trump, and now Brexit [Britain Votes to Leave E.U., Stunning the World, by Steven Erlanger, New York Times, June 23, 2016].
Answer: no, no-one’s noticed, nothing can shake the arrogant complacency of our globalist ruling class.
But, as the Brexit vote shows, they can be broken. And the immigration issue is playing a key role in that breaking.
The New York Times' Erlanger writes:
[i]t was anxiety about immigration — membership in the European Union means freedom of movement and labor throughout the bloc — that defined and probably swung the campaign. With net migration to Britain of 330,000 people in 2015, more than half of them from the European Union, Mr. Cameron had no effective response to how he could limit the influx. And there was no question that while the immigrants contributed more to the economy and to tax receipts than they cost [VDARE.com: bunk!], parts of Britain felt that its national identity was under assault and that the influx was putting substantial pressure on schools, health care and housing. [Emphasis added].
On a personal note, I've just calculated that it is almost exactly 50 years (!!!) since I began to plan to emigrate to the U.S., figuring that Britain was finished and appalled by the unitary European megastate into which its rulers plainly intended to deliver it.
A few years later, I wrote an editorial for Canada’s Financial Post that surprised my colleagues, who knew how bitterly opposed I was to the European Union, because I acknowledged that the result of the scandalously manipulative 1975 referendum showed that the British still trusted their ruling class.
Now, clearly, they do not. As John Derbyshire has said, Fifty years happened — that’s what happened.
I must say I no longer expected Britain to leave the European Union in my lifetime (and I still suspect it might be mugged). I had concluded the European Union was like the Hundred Years' War, a dynastic ensnarement benefiting a powerful few, utterly irrelevant to any rational calculation of British national interest.
But I never doubted that the contradiction between British nationhood and the European megastate would ultimately erupt — any more than I doubted that Wall Street Journal Editor Paul Gigot was wrong when he ignored the contradiction between mass immigration and the Historic American Nation and arrogantly asserted that the GOP immigration debate was "over" — in 1997(!)
Both are examples of Stein’s Law — "Things that can’t go on forever, don’t."
They can go on for a long time. But not forever.