VDARE.com Reads Illegal Alien Sob Stories so You Don’t Have to
Christmas is a special time for us twisted aficionados of illegal alien sob stories. This time of year, the boo hooey flows like eggnog at an office party, as denizens of the press feel obliged to guilt-trip Americans about being so mean (namely the way we insist on our immigration laws being enforced).The scribblers love to create their intense melodramas about Mexicans' struggle against the cruel gringos and their hard-hearted laws — so easy to write!
Here are some seasonal highlights:
• This year we learned that Dec 12 was the Festival of Guadalupe, AKA "Don’t Arrest a Mexican Day." Who knew?! [Latino community outraged at timing of ICE raid, Greeley Tribune 12/13/06]
In one of the largest federal roundups in the state since the immigration frenzy swept the country, several hundred worried residents protested outside Swift & Co. beef packing plant, angry at officials for their insensitive timing of the raid."This is an insult to us as Mexicans because today is El Dia de la Vigen de Guadalupe," said Lupe Tapia of Greeley, in reference to Dec. 12, which is celebrated as a religious holiday recognizing the birth of the virgin Mary. "They are acting like (the undocumented workers) are terrorists but they are just coming here to work."
• The New York Times found the only legal Mexican immigrant in San Antonio (kidding!) to create a tripartite sniffler about three sisters: Racquel (the legal one), Veronica (who lives "furtively") and Irma (who moved home to Mexico).
Incidentally, Irma confirms everything we've been saying about Mexican drinking habits.
Earlier this year, Irma got a job as a waitress at a pool hall three days a week for $90. Irma said patrons of the Monterrey bar do not tip like those in Texas, where she sometimes ended the night at her restaurant job with an extra $40. "The bad thing here is that people drink until they crawl," she said. "Over there, if they see you drunk, they don’t sell to you."
• The Dallas Morning News pulled out the stops for a 7-chapter extravaganza about a Mexican teen who was terribly sexually abused starting at age 11. Using way more details than is necessary, "Yolanda’s Crossing" does convince the reader that Mexico is indeed "a society where sexual violence against girls often goes unreported and unpunished."
Yolanda is definitely a sad case, worthy of anyone’s sympathy. She also is the mother of a toddler courtesy of her Mexican rapist and kidnapper, and has a second-grade education, so her prospects consist of a life of poverty with extensive use of social services. The series' grand finale consists of her receiving a green card in the mail: From nightmare to American dream.
She’s delighted, but the U.S. taxpayer is dinged for another illiterate Mexican. The paper assumes we readers will be thrilled with the "happy" ending, and doesn’t mention that Yolanda will very likely be a net drain on public coffers for her entire life.
Other than that, it’s a lovely story of struggle and redemption!