VDARE.com’s Peter Brimelow To Speak At AMERICAN RENAISSANCE Conference May 20-22
The May 20-22 American Renaissance conference in Tennessee (registration details here) is reportedly rapidly selling out, so I should probably have said earlier that Lydia and I will be attending and look forward to meeting VDARE.com readers there.
Speaking last year on "Immigration: Is This The Breaking Point" when it looked like the GOP was irreversibly surrendering to Obamnesty, I made my celebrated (at least by me!) observation that "all it would take to get this issue into politics is one speech." This was before Donald Trump had even declared and certainly before anyone (except our Mathew Richer) thought he would run on immigration. In the event, it just took one soundbite.
AmRen’s Jared Taylor like to get things organized, so this year I’m already committed to speaking on “The Trump Tsunami and the Future of the Historic American Nation.” Jared probably thinks I've written my speech, but in fact I have no idea what I'll say.
But I know something will turn up!