VDARE.com’s Secret Weapon: Your Contributions!
A reader writes: “I like your site and would be sad to see it go. I would like to know how much money you need all together. I could only make a small donation anyway. But I don’t want to throw good money after bad.”
VDARE.com typically raises between one and two percent of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s annual donations. (The $PLC raised $32.4 million in 2008, as reported in our recent expose). We are already a guerrilla operation and are determined to survive in some form–but our secret weapon has always been that we can offer modest payments to our heroic band of independent writers.
Here’s an example. I recently contacted a columnist for a local paper whose incisive writing had caught my eye. (I spend a lot of time doing this). He responded:
”My apologies for the delayed response. I upgraded my computer, but in the process, I was off line for a few days.
”Thanks for the gracious remarks. The [local paper] ran the column I sent you on April 5. I have written a twice-monthly column for them since 2001. Immigration is one of my favorite topics, one that I write about often.
”Your book Alien Nation was a huge influence on my thinking on immigration and assimilation.
”Regarding your proposal for a local article, I'd be delighted to contribute to VDARE.com, but is there any compensation involved? I work a full-time [specified] job, and write for the [local paper]. I have written a few things free of charge, just for fun, but there are not enough hours in the day to keep doing that.
”There is plenty going on here in [state], immigration-wise…”
It’s for this writer’s sake, and the sake of all our writers, that I repeat my appeal tonight: please give generously–small donations gratefully accepted–NOW!