View Powerful Muckraker Video On How Biden’s Alien Kid (Sex?) Trafficking Is Being Paid For By You
Earlier this week in Chinese Problems + No Borders = American Obliteration. WATCH’s Great Videos! I urged readers to check into Muckraker’s powerful clips on this influx. In my opinion because of the size of China’s population this is going to be an existential threat to the U.S.
Looking at the Muckraker website, I find another wonderful video dealing with what I believe will in future years be the greatest scandal of the Biden Administration. I discussed this atrocity in COULD The Biden Regime POSSIBLY Have Ramped Up The Unaccompanied Child (UAC) Program… To Supply Pedophile Rings?
(Padraic O’Bannon subsequently replied for us Maybe the Biden Regime IS Sex Trafficking Kids. After All, It Hired An Advocate For Underage Homosexual Prostitution.)
The X/Twitter posting of this video has the commentary:
Muckraker has obtained exclusive never-before-seen footage of US federal government contractors escorting children across the country, possibly delivering them into the hands of human traffickers. At least one of these contractors is CIA-affiliated.
Every month, thousands of foreign children are trafficked into the United States. They are drugged and smuggled across the US-Mexico border, detained by border patrol, held in top-secret compounds, and finally, escorted to various locations across the country. Since 2021, 85,000 of these children have gone missing. This report exposes the entire child processing pipeline with irrefutable video evidence.
Through exclusive footage, whistleblower testimony, and other documentation, Muckraker has exposed how the United States federal government is facilitating the largest child trafficking ring in the world. (VDARE emphasis)
The 16-minute video dramatized and expands on the work of courageous whistleblowers like Tara Lee Rodas. The partial transcript Federal Child Trafficking Pipeline Exposed contributes that Southwest Key Programs which dubs itself
one of the largest, Latino-led nonprofit organizations in the United States
despite what Muckraker correctly describes as
a checkered past …. was awarded 770 million dollars
mainly apparently for child transportation.
Also that MVM Inc which
in 2018…won a contract to conduct research for the FBI’s High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, a program implemented to conduct overseas interrogations of terrorists…
(UC means Unaccompanied Children.)
Watch the video below:
Muckraker has obtained exclusive never-before-seen footage of US federal government contractors escorting children across the country, possibly…
— (@realmuckraker) October 2, 2023
With the Biden Administration being what it is, seeing numbers like this raises the question how much is going to “the Big Guy” or his cronies. Bear in mind that under Biden the influx has been expanded several -fold over the last year of Trump, even though the termination of Border Enforcement has made it far easier for whole families to invade.
Strictly speaking this is not a matter of immigration control or even the peculiar policy of allowing a Kidinvasion. It is a matter of how these particular UCs are in fact being handled.
As a parent, I am just astonished how little MSM traction this scandal has gained. In November, after the sex-trafficking aspect had become more widely recognized I wrote to Hannah Dreier, author of the otherwise worthy As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings, New York Times, April 17, 2023.
— JeglovesAmerica (@JanieGa95258410) December 10, 2023
I noted that in her story she had totally dodged this aspect, now indisputably in the public domain. Also that in future years Hispanic politicians in America are likely to be in an uproar as the ghastly details emerge. Therefore, surely, revisiting and expanding the subject was wise professionally?
No response.
Email Hannah Dreier.