Villaraigosa: Security for Me, Not for Thee
Back in his college days, Antonio Villaraigosa was chairman of the UCLA chapter of MEChA, but that’s been no impediment to his political career. Villaraigosa is currently mayor of Los Angeles.
Of course, the LA Mayor doesn’t really want the U.S. to keep Mexican illegal aliens out of the U.S. But when it comes to his residence, Villaraigosa wants security.
This is from the LA Weekly blog entitled
L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Wants a Six-Foot Security Wall Erected Around His Mansion :
The mayor is afraid. Very afraid. Much like the L.A. City Councilmembers, who quiver at the thought of potential Los Angeles Loughners with an eye on City Hall, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa believes he is in danger, and therefore needs a six-foot security wall erected around L.A.’s official mayoral residence in Windsor Square …
It’s called the Getty House, and apparently, its stumpy rectangular bushes — all manicured and Tudor-styled — are not sufficient protection from the, er, elements of the surrounding neighborhood, described by Wikipedia as "small, historic and wealthy."But no 'hood is small or wealthy enough to protect his royal highness. Much to the dismay of the Windsor Square Association, whose residents generally abide by the city’s 42-inch yard-wall limit, Villaraigosa just applied for a six-footer …
Indeed, we're having trouble thinking of a single instance in which the mayor was subjected to some danger that the rest of Los Angeles hasn’t been subjected to as well.